Obeing along.........................................

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Seeing Red

     Back in time.......just over 10 years or so ago........out in the desert......must have been sacred ground because I kept having the same dream.  Could be considered a nightmare I guess as it was vivid enough to wake me up......not each time I don't think.....not sure...maybe just the last time. I kept dreaming I was driving and I would be just about to crash into ......I'm not sure but I kept seeing red.  I think it was a red box truck........can't be sure though.  It was a long time ago. Never did crash in the dream. I always woke up just before.  In that same year and in the same month of the dreams......someone close to me was in an accident but I didn't find out right away...........we were out of touch at the time.  I can't tell who the dream is about usually and tend to think it's about me.  If a dream is about a stranger.......you may never know you dreamed about something that was going to happen and actually did happen because you may never hear about it......Now I know if I have the same vivid dream over and over something is going to happen..........but how to figure out what, when, where and to whom......is a dilemma.

I was always a very spiritual person and this and other dreams and visions while awake confirm to me that there really is a strong spiritual connection between certain people.  I know for a fact that mind reading is also truly possible because I went to a class once and a perfect stranger read some of my thoughts.  If you don't believe in the aura around you giving off vibes.......then how can one actually feel the vibes from someone who is angry with you when in their presence?  Sometimes it's someone you don't even know so it can't be because you already knew they were angry.  What about when you can feel your mate is upset?  You have no clue why but you can feel something is wrong.  We have all been there, felt that, huh?

I am very interested in research in the fields of mind reading and especially dreams and have been for years now. Maybe there were no witches after all.............

I have also been to a class that teaches you how to go back into dreams.  If you can remember them of course. Most often I don't.  Usually they have to be pretty vivid for me to remember.  I have been able to go back into a dream or two though in the past after a lesson at a drum session with a well known dream study expert, Robert Moss  so I know it's possible.  New world Library.

The mind is a very strong tool...............

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